Raptor Relocation Network
The Raptor Relocation Network, a partnership between Audubon International
and United Airlines’ eco-skies program, is an effort to protect raptors –
including hawks, ospreys, and owls – in and around New York-area airports
by relocating birds-of-prey to safer, more suitable habitat on golf courses
in the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program. These raptors are being relocated
for safety reasons, including bird strikes. By volunteering as a monitor, you
are helping to provide broad and wide-ranging citizen science data on the preferred
relocation sites of raptors to reduce airport return rates.
Golf courses are an ideal and under-recognized habitat for raptors
due to the abundance of high vantage perches and long, clear views
along and across fairways, excellent nesting opportunities, wide
variety of habitats, and limited interaction with humans.